Augmented Reality - Prototype Ventures

Augmented Reality

What is the reality- the one we see
or the one we perceive….?

Well, Reality would more likely be
everything that we can sense or relive every day of our lives in retrospect to
the circumstances under which it is taking place. The reality under normal
conditions contains functioning ecosystems, working network, and somatosensory
functions pertaining to all kinds of human interactions.

Augmented Reality (AR), in this case,
is all perceptions of the mortal world in a simulated setup. It is a reality
where boundaries do not naturally exist, allowing users to feel and immerse
themselves in an atmosphere of their ‘dreams’. AR is intertwined with the
physical world in such a way that it is seen as an immersive component of the
original environment. It can be classified into two types: mixed reality and
computer-mediated reality.

Primarily, AR brings together the
digital world perceptions and experiences into a digital world experience and
it’s not simply incorporation like the display of data, but the integration of
immersive sensations that are perceived as natural parts of the environment. It
plays an important role by enhancing the natural environment or situations and does
offer experiences that are perceptually enriched. The information from the
user’s actual environment is transformed into an interactive and digitally
manipulatable platform with the use of modern AR technologies such as the
integration of computer vision or object recognition. All information about the
environment and its objects is superimposed in real-time. This information
might be virtual or physical.

AR also has a lot of potential in the
gathering and sharing of tacit knowledge. The techniques of augmentation are
typically performed in real-time and in the semantic context with other
relatable environmental elements. Over a live video stream of a sporting event,
immersive perceptual information is merged with auxiliary information such as
scores. It combines the advantages of both AR and Heads-Up Display technologies
(HUD). On a large scale, AR was first used only
by the U.S. Air Force for flight training of pilots but slowly came into to
commercial market and is now very much in trend. Loads of industries mostly use
AR for their products in the entertainment and gaming industries.

With the advent of the Smartphone, AR
finds its way into our daily lives while watching a film or playing a game. With
the advent of quantum computing and high-precision recording equipment and
display unit creating AR has been really easy, useful, and indulging. Space the
final frontier is also getting a touch of AR, as the cosmonauts are being
trained to face staying in space through AR simulations. The fast-transforming
world has adopted AR to train people in various fields through AR before a
practical experience. AR is also being used in unison with cognitive
recognition in sectors of Defence, art, and various sectors of cosmic research.

One of the key measures of AR systems
depends on how realistically they integrate augmentations with real-world
problems. The software must be able to derive real-world coordinates,
independent from the camera and camera images. That process is called image
registration and uses different methods of computer vision, mostly related to video

Several computer vision methods of AR
are inherited from visual odometry. For enabling the rapid development of
augmented reality applications, some software development kits (SDKs) have
emerged. A few SDKs such as CloudRidAR leverage cloud computing for performance
improvement. Augmented Reality SDKs are offered by Vuforia, ARToolKit, Catchoom
CraftAR Mobinett AR, Wikitude, Blippar Layar, Meta, and ARLab. Augmented
Reality Markup Language (ARML) is a data standard developed within the Open
Geospatial Consortium (OGC), which consists of XML grammar to describe the
location and appearance of virtual objects in the scene, as well as ECMAScript
bindings to allow dynamic access to properties of virtual objects. On an ending
note AR is restricted software in any sector and depends primarily on the user’s
discretion, advancement in technology keeps pace with the need to use this


AR is machine-generated with parameters to match
a person’s personal requirements. It is an interactive form of virtual reality that
is seamlessly interwoven with the physical world such that it is taken as an
immersive aspect of the original environment.